Merak Drag-Fork


Also known as a crome, dung drag, jack-of-all

In stock

More due to arrive mid-June

This is a multi-purpose tool. It has a similar-shaped head to the Antares border fork, but set at right angles to the shaft. This means that it is pulled rather than pushed when working, which is much easier on the gardener's back. It is also known as a dung drag, drag-fork, jack-of-all or crome.

It can be used for breaking up the soil and preparing the seedbed, levering out weed roots, hoeing and cultivating. The head is high-grade bronze and the shaft is lime wood.

Length: 128cm, 4ft 2ins

Tines 17cm long x 13cm wide (6 1/2 x 5ins)

Weight: 1.2kg, 2lb 10oz

More Information

Weight 1.5 kg
Dimensions 128 × 17 × 13 cm